Request information

Contact us and find out how to reach the Hotel Londra in Molveno

Hotel Londra

HL – Anna Rosa Donini & C. Snc.
Via Nazionale, 34
38018 Molveno (TN)

GPS coordinates
Latitude: 46.143915
Longitude: 10.967747

Tel: +39 0461 586943
Fax: +39 (0)461 976035

Information request form

    We will reply as soon as possible to your requests.

    How to get here

    By car: take the A22 Brennero motorway to the San Michele All’Adige exit. Continue to Altopiano della Paganella (SP 237).

    By train: the nearest train station is in Mezzocorona. Alternatively the station in Trento. It is possible to take public transport to get to Molveno from both stations.

    By plane: the nearest airport is Valerio Catullo di Verona (130 km).

    Public transport: consult the Trentino Trasporti website to find out the schedules of the lines in summer and winter connecting Trento, Riva del Garda and Val di Non to Molveno.